CCTV Privacy Policy


ACCESS Lock Specialists Limited operates CCTV from its premises at 170 Waterloo Road, Hornby, Christchurch.

Purpose.  We use CCTV to:

·         monitor customer movement,

·         record violence or theft,

·         keep employees safe and secure.

·         to prevent pilfering, malingering, deliberate damage, or other misconduct.

Camera Locations. Cameras are located in non-intrusive areas to give the best coverage of stock, equipment, and stored vehicles. External coverage is limited to the immediate area in front of our two entrances.

Signage. There are visible signs outside and inside the building to warn people that CCTV cameras are operating.

Use and disclosure. We only use, store, and disclose CCTV camera footage for the purpose stated above.

Requests for disclosure are to be made to:
Privacy Officer
ACCESS Lock Specialists Ltd
PO Box 16315
Hornby 8441

0274 332 123 /

Security. CCTV footage is stored on a secure hard drive and backed up every day.

Retention Periods. Camera footage is kept for approximately 31 days.

Audio. We do not record audio with our CCTV system.

Access. At the employer’s sole discretion, a copy of footage may be given to the Police where any criminal activity is suspected or when requested in accordance with Police procedure.
All requests to view footage relating to individuals will be referred to the employers Privacy Officer for consideration.
Individuals can access CCTV footage of themselves. However, any request may be limited by the need to protect other people’s privacy.

Footage will not be posted on social Media sites.

Log of Access. We keep a log of who has accessed our CCTV footage, including access by individuals and the Police.

Reviews. The system will be checked regularly, and this policy will be reviewed annually.

Complaints. Any complaints about CCTV are to be forwarded in writing to the Privacy Officer.